10 exercises to make you mentally stronger – Online Psychologists

Not all people are equally strong mentally, it is true that for some it is easier control emotions and willpower than for others, but it is not something that cannot be worked on, but quite the opposite.

Just like muscles, if we want our mind to be stronger we have to train it. None of us are born with emotional strength, over time it develops more or less depending on the person, education, culture, etc. In this case, how self-esteem, assertiveness, frustration or emotional intelligence have been worked on has a lot to do with it.

A person who is mentally strong is one who does not let themselves be influenced because they know themselves, are sure of themselves, accept themselves and do not allow anyone to change them. There are situations in which it is not easy, such as when adversity overcomes our ways of coping and we find ourselves emotionally blockedBut it can be improved to make avoiding certain obstacles easier and to improve your daily life.

Just as when you exercise your muscles in a workout to strengthen them, if you want your mind to be strengthened you also have to do a series of exercises.

1. Get rid of negative thoughts

It is not possible to strengthen the mind if we think that the exercises will not work. Although it may be a hard process, the more effort one puts in, the more likely one is to achieve the goals one sets out to achieve. One must be positive and realistic while eliminating harmful and negative thoughts. If we cannot do it alone, it is advisable to resort to a psychologist and online therapy to improve our self-esteem and self-confidence.

2. Set feasible goals

Don't start out aiming high because you'll end up disappointed. If you set a goal that is achievable in the short term, You will feel motivated and confident to go for the next one. You will also be able to know which ones are more ambitious and which ones are less challenging. Otherwise, it is quite likely that frustration will put an end to your enthusiasm.

3. Prepare for success

Changing your environment will make your life easier. For example, if you want to eat healthy, you should stop buying junk food. This way, you won't drain your mental energy. Changes are achieved by changing your life. daily routines, generating new habits. Don't try to do everything at once, much better little by little and consolidating the steps we take.

4. Challenge yourself every day

If you consider actions outside your limits on a daily basis, you will achieve your goals with small steps. You must strive to be a little better today than you were yesterday.

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With the help of a mental health professional, you will learn to put these and other recommendations into practice that will make you mentally stronger.

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5. Tolerate discomfort

Continuing to do the same thing can lead to unhealthy outcomes. The next time you feel discomfort, remember the goals you set for yourself in the beginning. Tolerating uncomfortable emotions can help you gain the confidence you need.

6. Balance your emotions

To make the best decisions, balance your logic and emotions. So, regardless of the size or importance of the decision, check that you are balancing your emotions with logic. If you are too anxious, angry or excited you may make an emotional decision. It is best to write a list of pros and cons of every important decision you make through an emotional diary.

7. Fulfill your purpose

Write down your goals. If you don't have them clear, it's hard to stay on track. When you have trouble taking the next step, remember why it's important to move forward. Focus on your daily goals, but make sure that the steps you are taking will lead you to a larger long-term goal.

8. Don't look for excuses

If you don't achieve your goal, examine the reasons instead of making excuses for your behavior. Find an explanation that will help you do better next time or seek professional help.

In the same way that you see it as normal to go to a dietician to lose weight, or a trainer to run better, assume that A psychologist is the person you need to achieve personal goals. Take full responsibility for any failures without blaming yourself. When you face and acknowledge your mistakes, you can learn from them and avoid repeating them.

9. Use the 10-minute rule

There's a 10-minute rule that comes in handy when you're tempted to put off something important. For example, if you find yourself sitting on the couch when you should be going for a workout, remind yourself to move for 10 minutes. If your mind is still fighting your body after 10 minutes, that's a sign that the effort will need to be greater, indicating that the goal will be achieved later than planned. Getting started is almost always the hardest part.

10. Prove yourself wrong

Next time you think you can't do something, prove yourself wrong. Commit yourself, You are more capable than you think. Over time, your brain will stop underestimating your own potential.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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  • The same psychologist will attend to you throughout the treatment.
  • At you do not lose the money for the sessions. If you cannot connect or are not there, the session is postponed to another day.
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