10 dogs without fur | With pictures [2024] –

Dogs are usually hairy all over their bodies. However, there are also dogs that are born without fur. This includes:

  • #1 Peruvian Hairless Dog
  • #2 Xoloitzcuintli
  • #3 Jonangi
  • #4 Hairless Khala
  • #5 Ecuadorian Hairless Dog
  • #6 Abyssinian Sand Terrier
  • #7 American Hairless Terrier
  • #8 Chinese Crested Dog
  • #9 Hairless Chihuahua
  • #10 Argentine Pila Dog

To clarify: Just because the dogs above don't have fur doesn't mean they have to be completely hairless. And yet, most of these breeds are considered hypoallergenic.

They are therefore ideal for people who are allergic to dog hair. However, if the dog allergy is triggered by saliva or other secretions, then even these animals are unsuitable.

Then let's take a closer look at the individual breeds.

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#1 Peruvian Hairless Dog

The Peruvian Hairless Dog is the national dog of – you guessed it – Peru. It also comes in 3 different sizes: small, medium and large.

This breed is born without fur. However, some of these dogs have a hairy forehead. This is what they naturally feel Punker-like appearance.

The skin color of the animals also varies greatly. From white to black, everything is here. In addition, some of these dogs also have spots and occasional fur. [1]

The Peruvian hairless dog was also used as a hunting dog in the past. However, these dogs are relatively rare today. Worldwide it should only 1,000 copies give of it.

Otherwise, the dogs are considered very intelligent, alert and loving. However, the animals are usually reserved and shy towards strangers.

Since dogs without fur were already rare, this breed was also said to have healing powers. However, there is no evidence of this.

Fun fact: The Incas used Peruvian hairless dogs primarily as bed warmers in winter. A kind of living hot water bottle – if you will. [2]

#2 Xoloitzcuintli

The Xoloitzcuintli originally comes from Mexico and naturally has no fur. This explains why this breed is also called the “Mexican hairless dog”.

Nowadays, furless dogs are mainly used as guard and family dogs. In the past, however, they were primarily used as hunters and bed warmers in winter.

However, the “Xolo” is also available with hair. However, these are comparatively rare. The dogs also come in 3 different sizes:

  • Miniature: 25-35 cm
  • Medium: 36-45cm
  • Standard: 46-60cm [3]

They should also… oldest dogs in America be. Clay figures of the Xoloitzcuintli from around 3,500 years ago have already been found.

With a life expectancy of up to 18 years, they also live longer than average. Otherwise, Xolos are considered calm, reserved, alert and cheerful. [4]

Because they are born without fur, they were considered sacred by the Mayans and Aztecs. According to legends, the dogs are said to have mystical powers and keep evil spirits away.

Fun fact: Xoloitzcuintli is the most commonly misspelled dog name in the world. For this reason, the nickname “Xolo” has officially caught on.

#3 Jonangi

Vedichunt & Vedichunt, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Jonangi has its origins in India. The animals have been used there as hunting and guard dogs to this day. Some of them were also used to herd ducks.

Since there are now much more efficient methods for farm work, the dogs are no longer needed. That explains why the race shortly before extinction stands.

The Jonangi belongs to the group of furless dogs, but has very short hair on almost the entire body. The dogs therefore hardly do well with hair.

Otherwise, this breed is considered very good-natured, loving and gentle. The animals are also said to be very… curious and playful be. They even live up to 14 years. [5]

Jonangi are also known to dig holes up to 1 meter deep. These burrows help the animals regulate their body temperature.

These dogs are also one of the few breeds that are excellent fishermen. To do this, the animals usually jump from an elevation into the clear water.

Fun fact: Jonangi don't bark, but yodel instead. The animals especially like to accompany film music with their singing.

#4 Hairless Khala

The Hairless Khala has its origins in Bolivia. He is therefore also known as the “Bolivian Hairless Dog”. However, it can now also be found in Central and North America.

Visually it looks very similar to the “Xoloitzcuintli”. He also has no fur and does have a few hairs on his forehead. It is also available in two different types:

  • Medio: Short legs and less muscular.
  • Grande: Long legs and a physique like a greyhound. [6]

The Hairless Khala is also said to be very loving and good-natured. He is therefore very popular as a house and family dog. However, he is rather reserved towards strangers.

This breed also gets along well with other dogs. But there are definitely more suitable breeds for training. Because the animals can sometimes stubborn behave.

The Hairless Khala is born without fur, but is still said to be relatively high-maintenance. Dogs' skin is relatively susceptible to infections and injuries. [7]

Fun fact: In both summer and winter, dogs should wear a sweater to protect them from the sun's rays and the cold. However, some Hairless Khala seem to be particularly vain when it comes to their selection.

#5 Ecuadorian Hairless Dog

Of all dogs without fur, the Ecuadorian Hairless Dog is by far the rarest. This breed originally came from the Peruvian hairless dog.

The animals are now so rare that hardly any information about them is publicly available. However, they should be active, energetic and particularly vigilant be.

It is also said that the Ecuadorian Hairless Dog was once used as a hunting dog. That probably explains his strong hunting instinct. [8]

All dogs of this breed are born without fur. They only have a few Hair on forehead. In winter, the animals definitely need a dog coat.

The dogs are also considered very intelligent and elegant. They are also said to have strong territorial behavior.

Fun fact: The thin fur on the dogs' foreheads can have a wide variety of colors. Even with black dog skin, the hair can be white or even red.

#6 Abyssinian Sand Terrier

The Abyssinian Sand Terrier originally comes from Africa and has no fur. It is therefore also known as the “African hairless dog”.

It is currently unclear whether any examples of this dog breed are still alive. According to stories, the dogs… extinct be. However, this was never officially confirmed. [9]

Abyssinian Sand Terriers are said to get along very well with other animals and children. Since they are born without fur, they are also considered hypoallergenic.

However, there are also said to be dogs of this type that grow hair on their foreheads. The skin of the animals is also mostly gray or sand colored.

Otherwise, the dogs are considered very courageous, loyal and calm. They are also said to be very persistent and need a relatively large amount of exercise.

Fun fact: Many Abyssinian Sand Terriers are naturally unable to bark. Without the appropriate training, the dogs can only growl and beep.

#7 American Hairless Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier is a relatively new breed. The variant without fur was only created in 1972 due to a genetic defect in a “Rat Terrier”.

The dogs have a naturally strong prey instinct and are known to hunt rats and mice. This has already been done in America first competitions carried out.

The bet was on which terrier could kill more rats in a large barn in a short period of time. After 7 hours, a single dog was able to eliminate a total of 2,501 rats. [10]

Most American Hairless Terriers have no fur. They therefore belong to the category of “Hairless dogs“. Paradoxically, they also come with fur.

In addition, the skin color of dogs varies greatly. Whether black, white or spotted – the American Hairless Terrier comes in all possible variations. [11]

Otherwise, the breed is considered very active, alert and curious. In addition, the dogs are said to be very playful and loving.

Fun fact: American Hairless Terriers sometimes go into a playful frenzy. Meanwhile, they forget to eat, drink or even forget that they are pretty bad swimmers.

#8 Chinese Crested Dog

The Chinese crested dog originally comes from China. However, due to their popularity, the furless dogs can now also be found worldwide.

The dogs are particularly lovable, playful and happy. They also get along very well with children. That explains why they as a family dog are very popular.

The Chinese Crested also comes in two types:

  • Hairless: Without fur, but with hair on the head, feet and tail.
  • Powder Puff: The entire body is covered with hair here. [12]

But the behavior of both species is exactly the same. However, the dogs without fur are generally considered easier to care forbecause they shed significantly less. [13]

However, this breed can only be trained moderately well. Because the dogs can react defiantly more often. But they bark relatively little.

Fun fact: The Chinese Crested dog named “Sam” is one of the reasons why this breed is very well known internationally. Because he has already been declared the ugliest dog of the year several times. [14]

#9 Hairless Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed in the world. It probably has its origins in Mexico. There they were mainly used as a living heating pad.

Chihuahuas are usually only found in… 2 different types:

  • Short fur
  • Long fur [15]

The variant without fur, on the other hand, is not a typical species. Rather, it occurs due to a genetic defect. The hairless variant is therefore considered particularly rare.

By the way, Chihuahuas are between 14 and 16 years old and shed relatively little. To do this, they only allow the dogs to be trained moderately well. [16]

Otherwise, the breed is considered very active, alert and restless. Despite their size, they are also said to be very brave. The animals also bark quite a bit.

Fun fact: There are still a large number of wild Chihuahuas in the United States. They hunt in large packs and surround their prey on all sides.

#10 Argentine Pila Dog

The Argentine Pila dog originally comes from Argentina. Its appearance and behavior also have great similarities to the Peruvian Hairless Dog.

Dogs are naturally born without fur. They only have a few hairs on their foreheads. In addition, it should only be worldwide around 1,700 dogs give this breed. [17]

In most cases their skin is dark gray. However, they are also available in white, brown and spotted. They are also said to be excellent hunting dogs…