10 Dog Breeds That Are Considered «Fighting Dogs.»

There is a difference between dangerous dogs, attack dogs and list dogs.

As fighting dogs are mainly dog ​​breeds referred to that extra for the fight partly in past centuries, also bred for war became.

list dogs can differ from region to region and are subject above all to a different tax rate and special conditions in keeping.

Any dog ​​can be dangerousif you take him that long angry or hurtuntil he fights back!

Our list of dogs considered Attack dogs apply:

1. American Staffordshire Terriers

Under the Nickname Amstaff he is extremely popular in his homeland, even if opinions differ about him.

In some countries will he as dangerous fighting dog downright rejected. Lovers of the Amstaff, however, like to call him the «Nanny Dog» because he can integrate so well into families with children!

his negative reputation has he beefy four-legged friends just because he bred in relevant circles for dog fights and betting on it became. That’s what these dogs became made extra sharp.

With loving and consistent upbringing he likes to prove it his playful, affectionate and loving sidealthough he always does alert is!

2. Pit Bull Terriers

Bad reputation and beefy-powerful physique hide a Golden Heart with this representative of the so-called fighting dog breeds.

He sees the amstaff almost confusing similarbut is more compact and usually a little smaller at shoulder height.

Her brave, undaunted heart closes them good defenders and this was also used by them for illegal breeding for fighting.

In the because of her big heart are they cozy beingsbut need in the education a consistent hand and early socialization.

3. Bull Terrier

The little muscle with the appearance that takes getting used to owns a playful and friendly nature, when met with kindness and affection.

Unfortunately, this was not always the case with him either it also has a bad reputation due to wrong holders!

His Fans affectionately call him Bully and swear by him as playmate and protector of their children. Be fiery temper and his agility lead to lifelong friendships.

Pre-condition is but that Children and dogs learn to assess their strength and, above all, the wild little ones know what they can expect from a dog!

4. Bullmastiff

Maybe they have theirs characteristic, sad expression because of her rather bad reputation.

In its home England he is one of the youngest dog breeds, which as family dogs prove

He will like as powerful muscular giant referred to, the basically strong nerves owns. It takes some effort to agitate him and incite aggression.

Nevertheless he must get to know friends early because the confident watchdog can be due to its appearance alone intimidate opponents and lead to dangerous situations.

5. Cane Corso

The Italians among the dog breeds considered fighting dogs apply, owns one sovereign-relaxed nature.

Sporty families with experience in keeping dogs and the corresponding conditions in space are slowly getting to know him and are now also praising his qualities outside his home country.

As guard dog he is very intent on his territory and must by it socialized early otherwise your friends will no longer come into the garden or into the house.

Be strong and large body impressed not only in motion with his elegant muscle play.

6. Dogo Argentino

Also this one muscular representative the former guard and hunting dogs has today in his fan base as family dog established.

This does not prevent some countries from still listing it as a dangerous attack dog and thus making it difficult to travel with it.

As territorial quadruped he always can suspicious react if he does not know the visitor. However, he only shows aggressive behavior when challenged.

His Education must be implemented consistently become and Boundaries must be observedotherwise he will take over confident quadruped the rudder in the house.

7. Rottweilers

be through confident appearance he is a typical representative of the fighting dogs. Hard shell soft corecharacterizes him quite aptly.

His gentle, cuddly and affectionate side However, he only shows when trained by competent hands. Be self-consciousness does not allow it, that he follows weak commands or uncertain rules.

As fighting dog became his ancestors already valued by the Romans and accordingly bred as war dogs. With the wrong, sharpening upbringing, he is a serious opponent as a fighter.

His Power and be urge to move have to go to the steered in the right direction become, then he is the most balanced dog in the world.

8. Tosa Inu

The muscular Japanese belongs to the Molosser dogs and will too officially still as fighting dog used in his home country.

As Paragon of bravery, endurance and fighting power you might not even believe that he does too to the most relaxed dogs can belong.

Pre-condition for that, one consistent and strong hand in education. The self-confident four-legged friend hardly accepts mistakes and regularly tests his limits.

will be his talents as well as his needs appreciatedthis can rare dog breed a perfect companion for sporty, active people who have the same stamina as their four-legged friend.

9. Neapolitan Mastiff

The massive Italians is also known as italian mastiff labeled and is with his imposing appearance and relaxed charisma a prime example of bad reputation with sensitive hearts.

Nevertheless, he needs self-confident and independent four-legged friends an experienced hand in education. Consistency and clear boundaries are required.

respected he you as master, then he impresses with his nerves of steel as well as with his friendlinessalso towards children who know how to meet a dog.

Early socialization is also necessary if you look at yourself a lot Because of moved, which ones too Regularly frequented by other dogs and owners become!

10. Fila Brasileiro

The Brazilian among the fighting dog breeds also belongs to Molosser breeds and also owns one Relationship to the bloodhounds.

A powerful hunter, this independent but extremely loyal companion also takes on large prey.

Outside of his homeland he is also known as Known Brazilian Mastiff and rejoices very popular with experienced owners with consistent leadership qualities.

As perfect watchdog he will too early socialization his skepticism towards visitors never put down and In any case, meet strangers with distrust and loud barking.

If he accepts your leadership, you have a faithful, lifelong companion at your side, even for dangerous situations. He only tends to be aggressive when defending himself!