10 commandments of the warrior woman

It is possible to achieve work and personal success while still being happy, you just have to follow the following commandments in your day to day life.

The Colombian woman can be described in many ways: forward, enterprising, loving, etc.; however, the one we use the most to qualify it is “warrior”, but what does this word refer to? A warrior woman should follow the following commandments, take note!

  • You will love yourself above other people: Self-esteem is the engine that moves every warrior woman; Loving yourself for who you are and what you are worth is the first step!

  • You will not promise what you cannot fulfill: A warrior woman knows her limits and is consistent with them, that’s why she only commits to what she can do.

  • You will sanctify the festivals: You will take the weekends, breaks and vacations that your body needs to recharge your batteries and continue fighting like the warrior woman that you are; That thing about working to death until it melts is already out.

  • You will honor those who helped you grow: A warrior woman does not go up in smoke when she achieves success, on the contrary, she is humble and thanks those who believed in her when she was nobody.

  • You shall not steal: A warrior woman will not falsely attribute achievements to subordinates or other people, because she knows that big goals can only be achieved if you work as a team.

  • No lies: A warrior woman will know how to assume the consequences of her actions without telling lies and without speaking ill of others. She will not allow herself to be drawn into gossip or tares.

  • You shall not covet: A warrior woman rejoices in the triumphs of others, even if they are competitors, because she does not allow herself to be eaten away by envy.


What do you think about these commandments of the warrior woman? Which ones do you apply and which ones are you about to incorporate into your life?

also vibrates with: 16 reasons why they end you

Write what you think in the comments, in addition, share these commandments in your networks today, when International Women’s Day is celebratedyou will get many “likes”.