One of the most beautiful plants for terraces and gardens It is the jasmine, Thanks to its flowers that grow from May to September. It is important to water it every two days in summer, so that its flowers do not wither, although in winter it is enough once a week.
Considered as one Mediterranean plantthe Parra is ideal for decorating exteriorhowever, it takes to grow from 3 to 4 years. Among your care, you should prune at least twice a year and, when grapes have grown, these should be protected from insects.
With intense orange flowers, the Tunbergia It is a perfect plant for Cover and decorate gardens. Its flowering is long -lasting, in addition to being cultivated both in sun and shadow. It should only be irrigated frequently, especially in a flowering season.
Rosal climber
Finally, another of the plants to maintain privacy at home is the Rosal climber, similar to the usual roses, but that They grow subject to structures and supports. Your spectacular Flowering in spring It has different shades, which range from pink and red, white and yellow.