10 benefits of honey that you would not believe are real

There is something truly poetic about honey, that alchemical elixir that bees produce and that has been in human life since ancient times. PBut apart from his seductive color, he has scientific superpowers that add to his charm.. The honey (make sure it’s real honey and not industrially reduced) has an unusual chemical composition that keeps it fresh indefinitely without spoiling (as seen in jars recovered from Egyptian tombs). It is particularly low in moisture and extremely acidic, making it inhospitable territory for bacteria and microorganisms. And on top of that, the bees add an enzyme, glucose oxidase, which creates hydrogen peroxide as a byproduct.

Thanks to all this, honey has been used as a medicinal remedy for millennia and millennia. And ever since, along with tasting delicious and being used to sweeten all sorts of foods, honey has been used to cure everything from rashes to cancer. The following are some of the best-known benefits of honey, either confirmed by science or passed down through the generations.

1. Relieves cough

2. Improves memory

3. Heals wounds

4. Provides nutrients

5. Potentially prevents the decrease in the number of total leukocytes

6. It can remedy temporary allergies

7. Kills antibiotic resistant bacteria

8. It can help metabolize alcohol

9. It’s a great source of energy for exercise

10. Solves scalp problems and dandruff

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