🧠 Psychotherapy: What is it and what is it for?

When people hear the word psychotherapy, they relate it to a very intimate process, the response to an emotional discomfort that has been dragging on for a long time and that they cannot resolve with their own resources.

What is psychotherapy?

The psychotherapy it's a treatment for people who suffer from a psychological disorder, such as anxiety or personality disorder, but it can also be used in other cases such as stress, in the process of overcoming a death, abuse of any kind, etc. In all cases it will be an effective and positive treatment for the patient.

Psychotherapy will help the patient identify his or her emotions and behaviors, work on them, and change them to achieve the goals he or she sets for himself or herself.

How do I know I should seek psychotherapy?

If you feel that something is not right, if you have mental health problems that affect your quality of life, it may be a good time to go to a psychologist and he or she will be the one who can make you reconsider the option of psychotherapy. Mental health problems affect you both physically and emotionally, which is why it is necessary and important to treat them in time and as soon as possible, so that they do not condition your daily life.

However, and based on the diagnosis and professional opinion given by a psychiatrist or psychologist, there may be certain symptoms that help you reconsider seeking help such as psychotherapy:

  • You have constant and very strong anxiety or worry.
  • You don't see things in a positive way, you tend towards pessimism.
  • Continuous feeling of sadness.
  • You have developed negative addictions that harm both you and your environment: addiction to drugs, alcohol, you tend to get into trouble, you have become violent.

These are some of the behaviors that can happen to you and that with the right help you can solve. In addition to psychotherapy, getting support from your loved ones will also be positive for you.

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When we talk about psychotherapy we have to talk about the different types that exist to treat a patient, since the psychologist will choose the appropriate method to treat your case, depending on its characteristics. There are:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy. This is the most used work stream in Europe and the model we use most in PsychiaThis is a therapy where both you and the psychologist will identify your feelings and behaviors, so that you can work on changing them and have more positive habits for yourself. This treatment is not only based on the treatment of emotions, but also on behavior, so it is likely that the professional will ask you to perform practices or tests that will, little by little, help you with your problem.
  • Psychoanalytic therapy. It is based on carrying out a further process of analysis of the patient's emotions and life so that there is a clearer identification and understanding of the reason for the patient's problem. And you can develop and work on the most effective methods to solve them.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. So that the patient can identify and accept his emotions. Very similar to psychoanalysis, which focuses on understanding emotions.

These are some of the main therapies, at least the two most used methods, the identification of emotions and the method of changing the patient's behaviors and thoughts.

Why should I choose a psychologist for this treatment?

When deciding to go to a professional to assess the best treatment for your case, it is important to remember that both a psychologist and a psychiatrist can establish a diagnosis and treat you, but the treatment used will be different. A psychiatrist focuses more on the physiological part of the brain and a psychologist will deal more with the therapy of emotions and behaviors.

In Psychia We work with a great team of psychologists with whom, through the therapy They will be able to help you. It is important to know that in therapy the psychologist will not give you an instant solution to your problem, but rather you will work together little by little, learning to identify your feelings, in order to accept them and manage them in the best way possible.

A psychologist It will help you work on your feelings, learning to anticipate the arrival of bad thoughts that can lead to more serious consequences such as anxiety or depression. Knowing how to listen to yourself is key to identifying your mood. In addition, in therapy you can work on other issues such as self-esteem, confidence, depending on the reason for your discomfort.

In Psychia We have a great team of psychologists who can help you. We have been doing this for 10 years. online therapya way for you to connect from anywhere without having to worry about the time it may take to travel or commute. Call and make an appointment for an online therapy session, more than 1,600 people have already contacted us, the first information session is free.