🧠 Hubris Syndrome: What is it and what are its symptoms? – Online Psychologists

Hierarchies are typical of the work environment, but most people do not go through life believing that they are superior to others. That is an attitude typical of narcissists. However, those who suffer from narcissism Hubris syndrome They tend to believe that they are in charge of others, even if they have no reason to believe it.

What is Hubris Syndrome?

Hubris syndrome is a pathology in which the person who suffers from it believes that his or her abilities give him or her authority over others.

It is not a cause for concern that this happens, with justification, in certain areas of life. For example, at work there is a hierarchy of power with the boss, who usually has more knowledge than us about the subject or task we are doing; or at school the teacher has a superiority because he or she is the one who has the knowledge that teaches us.

However, there are people who without having this knowledge They think they are superior because they always want to be the center of attention.

People who suffer from this pathology are usually those who have a constant need for attention and everything revolves around them.

What causes it?

There is no single cause that leads to developing Hubris syndrome, although there are certain situations that can make this happen. For example, suffer from lack of attention during childhood It can make you need constant attention as an adult. If we don't deal with a problem when we're young, it can affect us and haunt us for life.

There is also the genetic factor:If any ancestor in my family suffered from this symptom, there may be a certain chance that you will too. Genetics always plays a decisive role in the diagnosis of diseases (physical and psychological).

Despite this, it is also the stage of growth and development itself, that process in which you become a person, which will greatly condition how you are and whether you may develop a psychological disorder due to some type of traumaTrauma is understood as a traumatic situation or event. It does not have to be a catastrophe or an exaggerated event. Simply the lack of love or physical abuse of someone towards you creates a trauma.

Symptoms of Hubris Syndrome

To be able to recognize this Hubris syndrome there is certain symptomatology which can be a cause of it, however, not always when these factors are present can this disorder occur.

  • Need for attention.
  • Egocentrism.
  • He is concerned about his own image.
  • Needs constant recognition.
  • Self-confidence.
  • He likes to be the one who directs the rest, the leadership.
  • He thinks he is superior.
  • He doesn't value other people or their ideas, only his own.

Do you recognize several of these symptoms? Contact an online psychologist.

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Treatment of Hubris Syndrome

As treatment in the face of this pathology, after the diagnosis of this syndrome by a professional and after evaluating your case the psychiatrist will be able to prescribe you medicationn to improve symptoms and your health.

On the other hand, and as an effective form of treatment, there is psychological therapya. Putting yourself in the hands of a psychology professional will help you to recognize what the problem is and you can deal with it together. The psychologist will start from the very beginning, that is, he or she will try to find the cause of the development of Hubris syndrome, for example an unresolved childhood trauma, in order to work from there and begin to heal.

You must learn to treat others as equals, not look down on them or treat them as inferior people to you. You also have to be able to love yourself a lot and well, working on those insecurities will be beneficial for better self-esteem that will prevent your life from depending on what other people think and the attention they pay you. It is better to have a quality environment and not a quantity one. Improving the way you communicate with people, so that you do not show yourself as a person who considers himself better than the rest or is always talking about himself, will benefit you.

In therapy It will be very important to work on your emotions to learn to identify, accept and manage them, and also to deal with the insecurities that this constant need for attention creates. It will be very important for you to want and have the will to want to change this for the benefit of your mental well-being.

In Psychia We have a great team of psychologists who can help you. In addition, our online session mode means that you don't have to waste time traveling and you can connect from anywhere. Call and make an appointment for online therapy, more than 1,600 people have already contacted us, the first information session is free.