🧠 Ganser Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment – Online Psychologists

He Ganser syndromenamed after psychiatrist Sigbert Ganser, who defined it, is a dissociative disorder characterized by the tendency to give incorrect, but close to correct, answers to questions that are asked of you. Or rather, It is characterized by a disconnection that occurs in the brain and affects memories or thoughts. and that makes you give such answers involuntarily.

The German Sigbert Gansert discovered Ganser syndrome when he had to psychologically evaluate prisoners awaiting trial and they answered questions with rwrong answers, but very close to reality. In fact, this syndrome is still diagnosed in prisons today.

The diagnosis of this syndrome can lead to patients who are in prison and are not convicted due to psychological problems, which can raise the question of whether or not it is possible to fake it. However, this syndrome causes people who suffer from it to answer these questions incorrectly without being aware of it.

If this explanation sounds familiar to you, do not hesitate to contact an online psychologist. A psychology professional can study your case and find out if you suffer from Ganser syndrome.

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What causes it?

There are several theories about the different causes that can lead to Ganser syndrome, although we do not yet have a definitive answer. Experts consider two options:

  • Some kind of bump or damage. For example, a blow to the head, a trauma… This could explain the disconnection of memories, caused in this case by damage to the brain.
  • Previous diagnoses of memory problems. THaving previous psychological pathologies can also be a cause for developing this disorder.

In general, the cause of these dissociative disorders is related to memory problems or the disconnection between memories and reality.

What symptoms does it have?

The main symptom of this syndrome is An erroneous response, although close to reality, that the patient gives to a question that is asked of himThese questions are often simple, but the patient may still not give the correct answer, which is done unconsciously. For example, they may incorrectly answer what city they are in, or what colour a strawberry or an orange is. Some other symptoms that someone with Ganser syndrome may show are:

  • Disorientation.
  • Memory loss.
  • Amnesia on occasions when, for example, you have suffered an injury or blow.
  • Hallucinations (visual and auditory).
  • Repeat phrases or words you have already said.
  • Unusual behavior

You should be aware that the diagnosis of Ganser syndrome must be made by a professional psychiatrist. In addition, you should also undergo a check-up to check if you suffer from any type of organic damage that could be the cause of the disorder.

Is there a treatment for Ganser syndrome?

The two most effective and recommended treatments in these cases would be medication prescribed by a psychiatrist that can benefit the patient's mental health status and the psychological therapyA professional psychologist will help the patient find out what is happening, what he remembers, try to find out why that connection does not exist which makes him not answer the questions correctly even though he knows or has some knowledge of it, relate it.

He or she can also help you in case of brain damage, that is, a blow that may have caused this disconnection. The psychologist has the skills to work together little by little to improve.

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