🧠 Emotional withdrawal syndrome: What is it and how to overcome it? – Online Psychologists

The emotions that a breakup causes can be some of the most intense and painful that can be felt, at least when the separation is recent. How we feel after ending a relationship is directly related to the emotional withdrawal.

What is emotional withdrawal?

Emotional withdrawal is the feeling of emptiness, sadness that you feel when you break up with your partner.

When you start a relationship, emotions are very intense, because you are in a period where idealization and excitement reach their maximum, however, due to different factors that can affect the relationship, it can end. It is here when we can feel the sadness that comes from no longer being with a person you once loved.

A breakup can bring about different emotions. What you feel will depend on the type of relationship you and your partner have had, although it is most common for grief and sadness to be present. It is common to feel like you are missing something. When the relationship with someone you love breaks down, emptiness comes.

This is normal. You've probably spent a lot of time with this person and developed a special bond, so this is a very common reaction.

Nevertheless, This sadness should be temporary and last, at most, a few months. If not, it can cause serious health problems, both mental and physical. It is important to know how to manage these emotions well so that they do not end up in more serious problems such as depression.


'Matters of the heart' are delicate and come with very strong emotions both at the beginning, during and at the end of the relationship. Romantic relationships are usually very intense and can overwhelm you, both for good and for bad. That's why when you break up with your partner it is normal for it to be a painful process, which involves Overwhelming negative feelings, just like the good intensities that were the initial ones.

Some of the emotional withdrawal symptoms after a breakup are:

  • Distress.
  • Sadness.
  • Feeling of emptiness.
  • Lack of self-care.
  • Lack of sleep, you don't rest properly.
  • Lack of social life, you don't feel like hanging out with your friends or family.
  • Poor nutrition, the anxiety that this situation causes you makes you neglect your diet or even not eat.
  • Vomiting.
  • Nausea.
  • Negative vision and thoughts.

Emotional withdrawal affects both our physical and mental health, so it is important to be aware that both go hand in hand and it is equally important that if there is no good mental health, there will be no physical health either.

If you identify any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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Emotional withdrawal: What is the process?

Just like a relationship has bumps and processes that both parties must go through to improve and strengthen their relationship or, on the other hand, end it. A breakup is also a process that both parties in the couple must go through in order to overcome it, move on with their lives and have the opportunity to find love again.

The emotional withdrawal It is also a process It consists of several phases that you must go through in order to get over it. If you have ended a relationship, it is likely that you have not accepted the breakup because you still have feelings for that person, so, at first, it is common to go into denial.

Once you begin to gradually become aware of the end of the relationship, you may be angry at the situation that the other person has broken up with you and want to try to resume the relationship. It is from here, especially if you have tried to get back with the other person and they have rejected you, when you begin the acceptance process that the relationship is over.

How can I overcome emotional withdrawal?

Emotional withdrawal is a process that you will have to overcome little by little, however, there are certain Tips that can help you overcome it:

  • Accept itYou must be aware of the breakup and accept the situation and your emotions as soon as possible in order to manage and overcome them.
  • Lean on your loved onesYour family and friends will be there to support you in your worst moments, so tell them how you feel, what's happening to you, that will make you feel better.
  • Give yourself timeThese things take time, each person is different and each relationship is different too. Don't put extra pressure on yourself thinking that it's taking you too long to get over a relationship or not. If you compare it, for example, with previous relationships, it's not the same moment, it's not the same person, and the emotions won't be the same. Each person and each moment need a process and dedication.
  • Make plans that motivate. Don't stay at home thinking about how your relationship could have been, meet up with your friends or family, take up hobbies you had forgotten or spend more time on them. Take your mind off things.
  • Don't avoid what has happenedIt's okay to take your mind off things, but avoiding the situation is not the best option. This will only prolong the bad feelings and your discomfort. Face your emotions and manage them so you can get over the breakup sooner.
  • Set goals. Another way to be able to look forward with a more optimistic vision of life and your future. This way you will also have something to occupy your mind, your time and help you breathe new life.
  • Distance. Distance is a common practice when it comes to forgetting a person. Not talking to them and not seeing them, or doing so as little as possible, is a good option to accept the breakup and detach yourself from such intense feelings. However, it is important to manage emotions well to close the stage in an appropriate way. You will always remember that person for the affection you once had for them, but that does not mean that you will get back together with them.

Does going to therapy speed up the process of emotional withdrawal?

Putting yourself in the hands of a psychological professional is the best option to overcome emotional withdrawal. In addition, for therapy to be useful, it is important that you want to do it and are willing to do it.

The therapy It will help you to gradually work on your feelings with the psychologist. You will be able to identify, accept and manage your emotions, which will help you both now and in the future.

It will also help you to express yourself freely and clearly without judging yourself. Expressing how you feel is a good way to let off steam and it will also help the professional to find out the best way to deal with you, so that you can feel comfortable and be able to work together to overcome the problem.

In Psychia We have a great team of professionals who have worked on these types of issues. If you want to try our services, call and arrange an online therapy session with one of our psychologists. More than 1,600 people have already contacted us, First briefing is free.