💻 What are work stressors and which ones are common? – Online Psychologists

He stress It is an inherent part of life. Sometimes, it serves as a stimulant for the worker and his ability to react quickly and effectively to solve a problem, which is the cause of stress. The problem arises if stress is present in your daily life for a period of months or even years. The different factors that cause problems at work are called as work stressors.

The accumulation of negative sensations It will consume your reserves of effort and involvement in the company, reflecting in the results. It is not only the difficulties generated by this evil at work, stress is related to problems of physical health such as cardiovascular accidents, digestive discomfort, high blood pressure and a host of other serious situations for the body.

What is the responsibility of companies regarding mental health?

Companies have the responsibility to create a work system that respect the schedules and capabilities of their employees. It seems logical and consistent with workers' rights, but it is not unusual to find bosses who are exploitative or who use blackmail as the main method to increase their employees' performance.

Apart from the unpleasant situations caused by poor management by your superiors, there are numerous causes of chronic stress such as a high workload, a low salary or a work environment dominated by hostility and tension. The personality of each employee will also influence the level of stress suffering.

These are the work stressors in the workplace

There are three main areas where common stressors originate: the workplace, the organization, and the employee. Where these three factors converge contributes to the development of workplace-related problems:

  • Job insecurity:Uncertainty about whether your company will pay you when it is due next month or whether you will continue in your position next month are sources of burnout and stress.
  • High concentration: If tasks require a high level of concentration and effort, mental fatigue is common and frequent, especially if there is a concatenation of demanding tasks.
  • Inability to control one's activity: Disorganization is an issue that needs to be resolved immediately by the employee. Managing time and knowing how to create schedules that meet your obligations is one of the requirements for reducing stress levels.
  • Knowing your place within the company:The uneasiness of not seeing results from your work in the company's overall production will create a looping question about what your true role is within the organization.
  • Personal relationships in the company: Conflicts and toxic behaviors are incentives for poor results in your work. Stay away from all this and try to take refuge in people you have a good relationship with or in your own work.
  • Instability in work schedules: Schedule changes cause imbalances in each person's biorhythms that are difficult to solve.

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These are the work stressors that the company is responsible for

Given the various stressors that are the responsibility of the workplace, the company is to blame for some stress stimuli such as:

  • Duplication of roles: The lack of definition of tasks is an obstacle for organizations. Lately, companies are looking for multidisciplinary profiles, which increases the confusion of roles between different components.
  • Overvaluation of one area over another:The lack of awareness and importance that all departments have will cause discord and conflict due to having different measuring sticks.
  • Unbreathable work environmentIntolerant and conflictive colleagues are an impediment to obtaining results.
  • Define communication channels: Without the presence of channels to resolve doubts or issues related to work, employees are helpless against any possible failure that is beyond their competence.

Work stressors in relation to the worker's personality

  • Emotional management:The ability to control feelings, whether positive or negative, in the workplace can be seen as a strength or weakness, depending on the circumstances.
  • Empathy with peers: Solidarity with your colleagues and understanding their problems reduce stress levels.
  • Passion for the goalsSetting personal goals helps you find meaning within your company and relieves the stress of uncertainty.
  • Set some limits: Self-demand is one of the common causes of severe anxiety disorders. Setting limits to avoid reaching overwhelming perfectionism is vital to developing work in a state of absolute tranquility.
  • Aspects of personal life under control: Sleeping and eating well or maintaining a physical activity routine will be your allies in controlling stress.

Having a clear idea of ​​the different work stressors, you will be able to begin, gradually, to correct the different errors identified in your day to day at workIf, despite applying numerous corrections, you continue to be in a state where restlessness consumes your talent at work, you should seek psychological counseling.

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