💻​ 7 bad habits at work that you should avoid: How to do it? – Online Psychologists

No one is perfect, which means that everyone has bad habits. But when these bad habits arise at work, it is important to address them. Keep in mind that they can cause problems with your colleagues or even your superiors. In the worst case, you could even lose your job.

What are bad habits?

Bad habits are customs that are harmful to you or your environment. When this is transferred to the work environment, it can generate tension, discomfort and irritability. Bad habits at work can be bidirectional: that is, they can come from the managers themselves or from the workers themselves.

Having a bad habit at work will be something negative that can harm both you, so that certain actions or behaviors of yours end up being intolerable, and your work environment, conditioning the environmentthe agenda or the pace of work of the rest.

What are the bad habits I should avoid at work?

Some of these behaviors that you should avoid at work or try to solve are:

  • Unpunctuality. Arriving late does not reflect well on you or your colleagues, and even less so on your boss. It's okay if you oversleep one day, it's happened to all of us, however, arriving late every day shows a lack of commitment and responsibility.
  • Leave everything to the last minute. Putting off your tasks until the end is not a good example of hard work and dedication. You may work well under pressure, when you have a time limit, but you should also be aware that it is not a responsible action. In addition, leaving things until the end can also be detrimental to your colleagues, who may depend on your work.
  • Negativity. Constantly complaining will affect your performance and work pace. Try to think positively and learn to manage stress if something comes up. Also, try to encourage others in difficult situations or when there is no time limit and show a positive attitude in projects.
  • Not knowing how to work as a teamIt's good that you know how to work independently, but it's also important to know how to work as a team, together with your colleagues. Show unity, coordination and good organization.
  • Spend your time on other things. When you are working you should avoid paying attention to other things, such as your mobile phone or social networks. Focus on your tasks and you will be a much more productive person.
  • Delivering things late. Just as leaving things to the last minute does not give a good image, neither does handing in your assignments late. This habit shows you as an unprofessional, irresponsible person who does not show enough interest or effort.
  • Bad attitude with your colleagues. Having confrontations with your colleagues will only make them not want to work with you and will create a tense and irritating working environment. You must treat all your colleagues with respect and equally, so that the environment is friendly and you can work as well as possible and smoothly.

These are some of the bad habits that can occur at work and that can even lead to you losing your job. In short, behaviors that can negatively damage your professional image and the work environment are the ones you should avoid.

If you recognize any of these habits in yourself, do not hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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How can I change it?

Changing a bad habit is not easy, especially if you are very used to it, but it is not impossible. The first thing to consider is whether you really want to change them, You are the one who decides and make a commitment to yourself to try to change these habits. In addition, it would be best to seek the support of a psychologist, going to therapy to be able to redirect these behaviors.

With the help of a professional psychologist, you will be able to work on identifying these bad habits and you will learn techniques to gradually leave them behind. Therapy will help you improve your emotional management and therefore, improve aspects such as unpunctuality in order to organize your life better. It is important to know that if we are emotionally well, if that stability exists, it can translate into a better quality of life and better planning of it.

In addition, you will also learn to communicate better, which is very important if, for example, you have a bad relationship with your colleagues. This will affect the pace and quality of work. Communication is important In all areas, therefore, learning to express yourself correctly, to empathize and to treat other people with respect will be much more positive.

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