【Your dog excretes live worms? Reasons & Solutions

Signs of severe worm infestation

Unfortunately, if a dog excretes live worms, this is just the tip of the iceberg: the four-legged friend is most likely already there very heavily infested with parasites, There are significantly more inside.

If you observe your pet closely, you will probably notice that he has other symptoms of a worm infestation. These include gastrointestinal problems such as constipation, vomiting and diarrhea, a weak general condition and also skin and coat problems.

Can also be part of a Worm treatment appear

After one Worm treatment The dog usually excretes dead worms. But it can also happen that you observe some living specimens. Many antiparasitic drugs work by not killing the pests immediately, but simply paralyzing them.

It may then happen that some specimens are still moving when they are eliminated.

Look the worms

In order to assess which parasites have affected your four-legged friend, you of course have to know what the worms look like.

  • Tapeworms are rather flat and look a bit flat bands. If they are excreted alive, it is quite possible that they will contract, in which case they will be more reminiscent of grains of rice.
  • Roundworms On the other hand, they look more like soft-boiled spaghetti; when they are still alive, they like to fidget back and forth.
  • Hookworms On the other hand, they look very similar to roundworms, but have teeth at one end that they use to cling to the intestinal tract.

are parasites not always visible

If you can't find anything in the feces, it doesn't automatically mean a green light. It is entirely possible that your four-legged friend is still infected, and a severe infestation is also possible.

Many four-legged friends do not excrete live or dead worms, but they do Eggs the pests. These are barely visible to the human eye, but are certainly alive: worm eggs are the main route of transmission from animal to animal and animal to human, and they make the parasites so highly contagious.

Furthermore, there are some species that are actually not visible at all. Whipworms For example, they can also be excreted alive, but you can't see them without a microscope. “Specialized” worms such as heartworm and lungworm do not enter the gastrointestinal area at all; they must primarily be detected with a blood analysis.

species of elimination

Worms can be excreted either orally or in the feces. Parasites can also occasionally be found in the fur of four-legged friends.

Live worms in Feces

Live worms are often found in… feces of four-legged friends, Actually every type can be encountered. Often they are then included watery diarrhea eliminated.

This is particularly dangerous for one reason: The Risk of infection for other animals and occasionally people is then very high.

If you discover the parasites, you have to very careful be. When picking up the “business” you should definitely wear gloves. If the dog has left its feces in a dog toilet or somewhere else in your house or on your property, it is also advisable to disinfect the area well.

Vomit live worms

If your four-legged friend vomits live worms, It is usually a roundworm infestation, and the nausea is then also triggered by the parasites.

Since vomiting can occur very suddenly and unexpectedly, it is quite possible that the worms are excreted in a hygienically sensitive place – for example in the kitchen. If your four-legged friend is visibly unwell, you should watch him particularly closely, neutralize the parasites immediately and then disinfect them well.

Worms in fur

Sometimes you will also live Worms in fur can observe. Although this is not an excretion, it is still an alarm sign.

The dog then either ingested adult worms or came into contact with worm eggs that got caught in the fur and hatched.

Most of the time it is about Hookworms. They often bore through the skin into the body and can cause great damage.