【 Dream Dictionary 】 What does it mean to dream of WORMS?

Worms arouse in us an instinctive reaction of disgust, and that is why when they appear in our dreams they manifest a mood of restlessness, anxiety and anguish. We are going through a personal crisis, or we have problems at work. In addition, they have strong symbolism such as betrayal and bad omen. Find out what it means to dream of worms according to the dream dictionary.

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Dream dictionary: What does it mean to dream about worms?

Worms, for human beings, have three symbolic dimensions: one, the most primary and shared, is the feeling of disgust; secondly, it refers to plagues and, therefore, to the arrival of catastrophes; and thirdly, it symbolizes treachery and creeping behavior. These three symbolic loads influence our mind so that when it reproduces the image of the worm in our subconscious, is reproducing an altered moodacts as an oracle predicting a misfortune, or alerts us to the presence of exploited and creeping people around us.

A key to interpreting the presence of worms in our dreams is that these insects are always lurking in rotten fruit or after passing through the leaves are totally destroyed. Rot indicates trouble, anxiety, nervousness, and destruction and plagues the imminence of bad news. You have to be on your guard. That’s why when you wake up drenched in sweat after this unpleasant dreamput your ideas in order, reproduce the dream with its details and nuances, and draw conclusions that can be very useful to prevent some mishaps.

Dreaming of worms: variants of this type of dream…

Most dreams with worms, therefore, are a bad sign, but if interpreted properly, they can be very useful. Pay attention to the variants of this type of dream.

Dream of many worms

Psychology interprets these dreams as the presence of violence, crisis and betrayal in your life. Many worms implicitly carry the idea of ​​the plague, of destruction, and also the worm is linked to the material and the economic, so you are in difficulty or serious problems are coming in your economy. It also invites you to protect yourself from freeloaders.

Dream that worms attack you

The attack of an animal is always the warning of an imminent or present threat, whose anxiety is reproduced in the form of an attack in your subconscious. When those who attack you are worms, it reflects that there is people around you who want to take advantage of youfriends who will betray you or painful deceptions that you will have to firmly face.

Dream of white worms

This dream can have two meanings and will depend on the context and your specific personal situation. White worms always represent something bad, sometimes situations of violence that affect you or those closest to you, and sometimes they are a metaphor for poverty, for which you experience economic difficulties or serious problems arise.

Dream of worms in the body

The worms in the body reflect a feeling similar to that of threat, which can also be represented through the attack of the worms. In this case, the threat is direct, and it makes you feel very uncomfortable sensations. It can also be the manifestation of some present or future illnesses, some skin problem.

Dream of silkworms

It is one of the few variants of this type of dream that implies something positive, in this case the transformation and incubation of dreams and projects that are about to explode and fly away. It is a sign of fruitfulness of ideas, inner energy, personality and brilliance, and it bodes well for your professional aspirations.

Dream that you kill worms

All dreams that, through the representation of worms, imply threats, problems, crises and betrayals, have a reversed meaning when you dream that you kill worms: killing an animal conveys the idea of ​​power and victoryin this case your ability to overcome the threats posed by the worm as a symbol of disaster.

Dream of worms in rotten fruit

Something rotten, in dreams, is something that is dying, which brought to your real life translates into very serious problems, illnesses and threatening situations that are exceeding your reaction capacities. The appearance of the worms in the forbidden fruit is the warning that everything can go even worse, and that you must do something as soon as possible.

Dream of worms on a leaf

This image is in the depths of our subconscious as an allegory of the plagues, of the evils that spread and reproduce around you, threatening to end everything. You can express, for example, the arrival of small problems that are becoming big and that complicate your relationship with your friends or family. It also gives the idea of ​​economic crisis.

Dream of small worms

Just as dreaming of big worms, and the anguish that this conveys, conveys the idea that the problems you face are already too big to tackle, small worms offer a glimmer of hope, because they warn you that you are in difficulties, but you still have time to correct the situation. It invites you to face the obstacles, to kill the worms.

Dream that you eat worms

The extravagant and repellent nature of this dream means that many times we choose to ignore it. However, it has a powerful message that you should keep in mind: someone in your work environment is very jealous of what you do and what you have, and may want to harm you in some way. In this case, the worm symbolizes the material, in the workplace.

Conclusion: if you dream of worms, pay attention to misfortunes

We have seen that there are some exceptions. Silkworms, for example, represent the transformation, the incubation of projects and dreams that are about to take flight and, therefore, the dream acquires positive dimensions: it is a good omen. But as a general rule we relate worms to rot, that is, they symbolize a threat, an uneasy state of mind, problems and betrayals.

If you dream of worms you must keep your guard up because you go through a delicate period of your life and that is reproduced when you sleep through the subconscious. The appearance of these insects in your dreams (or rather, in your nightmares) usually act as a warning, as omen sign that warns you against certain calamities. Somehow, the image of the worm as someone exploited has permeated the popular imagination, and this meaning is also transferred to the world of dreams.