➤ Strong Prayer to Control My Husband: Prayers and procedure

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

God has given us life and with it the right to choose a partner to accompany us and make our passage through our lives happier, joyful and more bearable, the Lord Almighty He has given us that divine privilege. Having the company and support of a husband who loves us and loves us unconditionally is one of the most beautiful experiences that could happen to us, so much so that one could say that it is a gift from heaven, that is why than to cry out to God and request his help through a strong prayer to dominate my husband It should always be among our options.

But What happens when our husband has a very strong and aggressive character sometimes? If there are times when he is more reactive towards our attitudes or makes you doubt if he really loves you, there are many alternatives to try, so continuation We will show you different sentences.


To perform the following prayer you need to use an altar, YOU CAN DO IT EASILY in a local church, some chapel of your preference or if you have prepared in your home a MUCH BETTER altar!, but keep in mind that the Strong Prayer to dominate my husband, It will be heard by God from anywhere.

“God, you who dominate men, you who dominate the world, give me the power necessary to dominate (full name of your husband), whose love I need to be able to live and continue to be happy, I need you to come to me as meek as lamb and full of love and attention towards me, creature of God so that you only think of me and do it full of love: I enchant you, my man in the name of the spirit of dominion, I conjure your five senses, your virtues, your thought, and your will: make (full name of the husband to be enchanted) be dominated in our present and in our future. That when I see him he sees me, when I listen to him he hears me, when I look at him he observes me, when I touch him he feels me, and when I sigh he does it too. Thus his five senses will be tied to me in the same thought by God and nature itself. Amen».

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On many occasions we wives feel neglected in many ways by our husbands, often abused or unloved. We women need to feel loved in a thousand ways and means by our husbands that we have chosen. God has given us the privilege to choose our partner to make the path of life more bearable and satisfying, but many times our traveling companions have other plans or do not see us as before and we feel abandoned. The strong prayer to dominate my husband It will help you if you pray it regularly with great faith and without losing hope that your partner will change and treat you the way you want, as well as strong prayers for love.


The prayer of the thought of San Marcos de León It is one of the most powerful tools to obtain and achieve our deepest and most desired dreams, whether what you long for is spiritual desires like the love of your husband or material desires like a new house, a new car, a title. university student, a boyfriend, girlfriend, luck, love, inner peace, abundance, etc. The following strong prayer to dominate my husband is:

«Thought, you who are in his brain, I ask and beg that dreams and reveries are only for the creator and for me and with the magical symbols of San Marcos de León, he be bound with chains and shackles so that wherever he is Whoever you are with, just think of me, love. With two I see you, with three I bind you, the blood I drink and the heart that must tame I part with love. With the father, the son, Saint John and the holy spirit. Think about me, think about me, think about me. Jesus beloved. Amen».


«Jesus guides me and comforts me, that is why I am not afraid of either the ounce or the beast, because with Jesus, I can dominate both one and the other. Now you are under my feet and you are nothing if you do not have my presence by your side. Put down that lion’s beard in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Just as Saint Mark, Saint Luke, Saint Matthew and Saint John the Baptist were meek in the garden until the Holy Prayer was over, you will be meek with me in spirit and heart, you will support me in all my desires and you will satisfy all my will .»


The prayer to Saint Helena or strong prayer to dominate my husband, partner or lover, pray for around nine days, with a white, pink or red candle in each prayer.

«Oh glorious Saint Helena, who went to the mountain and brought three nails. You gave one to your son Constantine, the other you threw into the sea for the health of the sailors, and the one that remained in your precious hands I do not ask you to give it but to borrow it, to stick it in the heart of (name of the husband you want despair) so that you have no peace or tranquility. Spirit of light that illuminates the darkness of the souls, illuminates the heart of (full name of the man) so that he remembers me and so that everything he has he gives to me, driven by your powers, and that I be the slave of my love. Don’t give him peace of mind until he returns to me, loving and affectionate, faithful as a dog, gentle as a lamb, warm as a snitch. Let him come, let him come, let no one stop him. See, I’m the one who calls you. Come come come.»


The benefits of Strong prayer to dominate my husband, It is effective when husbands and wives often behave very rebelliously or like beasts and it seems as if they do not care about us at all, they follow their animal instinct, they come and go as they please. Although it seems that we would like

to have complete control over them, in reality our intentions are for them to treat us as they once promised they would, we need

love and attention that we deserve as his wives.

We can always try to talk to our partner about our needs, seek help from our partner, but if all of the above fails, it never hurts to ask for a little heavenly help, which will surely intercede for us and will never let our love fall.