❤️ Types of couple relationships: What type of relationship do I have? – Online Psychologists

When you start connecting with a person you don't know exactly what will happen, or how the events and feelings that they may generate in you will occur. Depending on your personality and many other factors, the types of couple relationships that you can form vary greatly.

Nowadays, it is increasingly common to hear about different types of relationships, depending on the factors that influence them and the people who make them up. This has always been the case, however, now there is greater freedom when it comes to talking about variety of relationships.

It is true that when you and another person start getting to know each other you don't know what will happen, if it will become something temporary or if it will last longer. This is normal, you may not know that person and you need to go through a 'process' to see if you connect with them, even if there is a first component of attraction and interest that made you take the first step. Over time you will decide how that relationship continues.

Before starting a relationship, you should know that you are the ones who set the pace of the relationship and define what kind of relationship you have. It is especially important that you both know what the other wants, that you know the project you are going to build and that you are in agreement. communication It is very important in a relationship, no matter what type it is. Therefore, the type of relationship will depend on the connection you have and the decision you make.

You should also be aware that the perfect relationship does not exist. All relationships go through periods of greater or lesser stability. All couples will experience problems that can be solved. However, if these problems persist over time and you cannot find a solution, an online psychologist specializing in couples therapy can help you.

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Strengthen your relationship by attending couples therapy with the help of a psychologist.

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These are the different types of couple relationships

Stable and fulfilling relationships

It is the one that everyone wants to find. In this type of relationship Both people are comfortable with themselves and with each other.there is good communication, there is love, intimacy, passion and trust. Even if there are problems in the couple, they are normal and you should be able to resolve them or you can resort to other ways of resolving them such as going to couples therapy.

Couple with a loving relationship

This type of couple usually connects more intimately: They connect very well and there is very good communication, but there is no passion. Although it is quite healthy, it differs from the first type because it is more similar to a relationship between friends.

Couple having a sexual relationship

Here the strong component is the sexual one, the passion and attraction of the couple. There may not be a connection of feelings, but there is a strong sexual attraction between the two. There is no stable relationship as such, only sexual.

Communication is important here because it can happen that, in a relationship that is only sexual (previously agreed upon), one person may develop feelings for the other and they may not be reciprocated. Therefore, it is essential that You are able to express yourselves when necessaryotherwise it could harm the person who develops these feelings and affect their mental health.

Couples with an open relationship

There are more and more, or better known, couples who opt for the so-called 'polyamory'that is, they can not only have one partner, but they can being with more people at the same timeThe open mindset of the new society and the younger generations has made these types of topics no longer taboo today and they can feel free to decide and share what type of relationship they have.

Toxic couple relationships

These types of couples are also very common, but it is not a type of relationship that is chosen but rather it happens. We call it toxic or «unhealthy» relationship to that relationship that does not do any good to you, your partner or to either of you. When you start a relationship you may not know how to see if that relationship is going to be toxic or not, due to the behaviors that your partner or you may have, behaviors such as jealousy or control which can affect the couple and the mental or physical health of the people. This can happen because in the first moment of a relationship everything is very intense and idealized, so your feelings can end up clouding reality.

These relationships are not good, so you must be able to be aware of the situation and try to get out of itAllow yourself to be helped or advised by your loved ones in this regard if you consider it necessary. Also seek the help of a psychologist to be able to overcome the situation and learn to manage your emotions so that you can burn off all the insecurities that this relationship may have caused you.

On the other hand, if both you and your partner want to contribute to the relationship and you are aware that the health of the relationship is not good and you want to end it, you can go to couples therapyCouples therapy will allow you, with the help of a professional, to recognize and work on your faults and mistakes and emerge with a strengthened relationship.

Couples Swingers

These types of couples are those who have a stable relationship with a person, but who They can have sexual relations with otherThat is to say, the relationship with another person outside of your current partner is simply sexual, without feelings involved.

Codependent couple

This type of couple is also toxic: they are characterized by both members of the couple being very dependent on each other, spending all their time together and doing everything together. One's life has no meaning without the other. This can cause the couple to wear out and may end in a breakup. It can also be considered an unhealthy type of relationship, because the dependence of one person on another is not good for the mental health of both, nor for their autonomy, security and personality.

Despite all this selection of types of couples we must know that Each couple and type of relationship depends on the peopleyour personalities, how you fit together and how you talk things over. At the end of the day, your relationship only depends on you and your partner. You are the ones who set boundaries and define your relationship.and you are the ones who have the possibility to change the dynamics that unite you.

What types of relationships can therapy help?

The therapy can benefit any type of relationship.

You don't have to be in an unhealthy relationship to go to therapy. It also serves to reinforce positive aspects of life as a couple, such as trust, or to resolve an event that may have damaged the relationship in some way. Putting yourself in the hands of a psychologist professional is the best way to try to resolve it and finally make a decision that is right for both of you.

The therapy It will help you to work on yourselves as a couple, to strengthen or regain the trust lost in the relationship. It is also important that you work on yourselves, individually. To be well as a couple, it is also beneficial for one person to be well; if they are not, it does not automatically mean that they cannot lead a life as a couple; they can always count on their support and in fact it will be positive for that person.

In Psychia We have a great team of psychologists who can help you and your partner. In addition, the online modality allows you greater flexibility in the event of incompatible schedules and travel, without losing the confidentiality of a session. Write to us and make an appointment for online therapy, more than 1,600 people have already contacted us. The first information session is free.