❔ EMDR Therapy: What it is and isn't good for – Online Psychologists

The EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a relatively new type of treatment. It appeared in 1987 when the American psychologist Francine Shapirohe noticed that by following the movement of his eyes from one side to the other, the discomfort experienced could decrease and even disappear. However, this method is not valid for any psychological treatment. In the following article we will tell you what EMDR therapy is for and what it is not for.

What is EMDR therapy?

EMDR therapy is a psychological treatment that focuses on the processing traumatic experiences to reduce emotional symptoms associated with trauma.

This type of therapy is divided into eight phaseswhich include patient history, preparation, target identification, desensitization, set-up, body scan, closure, and reappraisal. During therapy, the patient focuses on a specific traumatic event while the therapist uses eye movements or tactile stimulation to help the patient process the event more effectively.

He aim of EMDR therapy is help the patient change the way he or she processes the event traumatic event so that it no longer triggers an intense and dysfunctional emotional response. EMDR therapy focuses on the present and the future, not the past. By processing traumatic events, the patient can learn to better manage the emotions associated with the trauma and improve their quality of life.

EMDR therapy has been shown to be effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related emotional disorders. However, it is important that the therapy is conducted by a therapist trained in EMDR to ensure that the best practices are used. appropriate and safe techniques.

Treatments in which EMDR therapy can be used

EMDR therapy has been used successfully in the treatment of PTSD, an emotional disorder that affects people who have experienced or witnessed traumatic events. It has also been effective in treating other trauma-related disorders, such as:

EMDR therapy has also been used to Treating chronic painhe emotional pain and for improve sports and academic performanceThrough EMDR therapy, patients can learn to manage and overcome the emotional effects of traumatic events. improve their quality of life.

Treatments for which EMDR therapy is not recommended

Although EMDR therapy has been shown to be effective in many trauma-related emotional disorders, its use is not recommended in certain cases. In particular, it should not be used in patients with psychotic disorders, unstable bipolar disorders, active addictive disorders, people with a high risk of self-harm or suicide, or in cases of epilepsy or head trauma.

This is because EMDR therapy can increase the risk of triggering psychotic, manic or depressive episodes in these patientsand could exacerbate any self-harming behavior or suicidal risk. Additionally, caution should be used and careful assessment should be made before using EMDR therapy in individuals with a history of complex trauma or dissociative disorders.

Advantages of EMDR therapy

  • EMDR therapy focuses on the patient's specific trauma and helps desensitize trauma.
  • It can be a treatment short and effective for PTSD and other trauma-related emotional disorders.
  • It is a noninvasive therapywhich means there is no need to take medication.
  • HE focuses on the present and the future, not in the past.
  • It can help patients to identify and change negative and dysfunctional thought patterns.

Disadvantages of EMDR therapy

  • EMDR therapy can be expensive, especially if long-term treatment is needed.
  • Could be intense and emotionally exhausting, as it may involve reviewing past traumatic events.
  • It's not for everyone and may not be effective for some patients.
  • You may have temporary side effectssuch as headaches, fatigue, and sleep problems.
  • It can trigger emotional episodes in some patients, which can be difficult to manage without a trained therapist.

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