❓​ How to help someone who is going through a bad time psychologically – Online Psychologists

Until not long ago, mental health was not as important as it is now. That's why it was difficult to admit that from time to time we go through a bad timing.

But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining, and the pandemic has served to normalize and give the voice and weight it deserves to mental health care.

The importance of social support when you are going through a bad time

Mental health is no longer a taboo subject, something that young people are very aware of. This sector of the population is highly exposed to problems related to mental health.

Pressure, life changes, the need to fit in… all of this can make you go through a bad time.

Even if you are in a phase of peace and well-being, someone around you may be suffering. Therefore, try to be kind to those around you. It is important let them know that they can express their emotions and leading by example is a good way to do it.

However, it is also important to give that person space for themselves and to express themselves when they feel it is necessary. We should not harass or pressure someone who is having a bad time. On the contrary, we should let them take the step of expressing to others how they feel.

The best thing you can do is show your concern and offer support. Even if they need to be alone, it's a good thing they know you'll be there if they need you. So much so that in the most extreme cases, Social support appears to be a determining factor in preventing suicide.

If someone you love is going through a tough time, let them know that there are resources to help them take care of their mental health. For example, going to a psychologist online is a convenient way to do so.

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Tips to help someone who is going through a bad time

Whether it is due to a dismissal, a break-up, stress from work issues or other factors, a person can be so overwhelmed by emotions that they do not know how to manage them, sometimes not even recognize them, which will make them unable to overcome them and this can lead to anxiety, depression…

How can we help that person?

  • Be understanding. The person who is going through a bad time may open up and tell you how they feel. Empathy must play a fundamental role here. You must listen to them and understand what they are telling you. If they ask for your opinion, tell them what you think in a way that does not affect your mental health.
  • Don't pressure herIf the person is not ready to share their current situation, do not pressure them, give them time and space to accept their emotions and when they are ready they will share it.
  • Don't judge her. If you have been told that she is not going through a good time, do not judge her, listen to her and avoid any comments that might upset her.
  • Show supportIn a situation like this, it is very important that the person feels the support and affection of their loved ones, without going overboard, that is, do not overwhelm them, they also need space to be alone, breathe and think.
  • Give him helpShow him that you are there for him for everything and that if he needs help he can count on you.
  • Recommends professional help. The best option in these cases is to recommend professional help.

A psychologist has the ability to help a person who is not going through a good time, when they feel many or very intense emotions and need help to be able to bear and overcome them.

A psychologist can help you listen to your emotions, accept them and manage them. Recognizing and managing emotions is key to overcoming a problem and feel better about yourself, not only with that specific problem, but also in the face of future internal conflicts that may arise.

It should also be noted that There is no point in hiding or ignoring emotions.Ignoring your feelings will not solve the problem. It will still be there and can get worse and lead to anxiety disorders. Putting yourself in the hands of a professional will, over time, help you learn to see and manage your feelings and overcome the problems.

At we have a great team of psychologists who can assist you online, but without losing the confidentiality and closeness of a face-to-face session.

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