✔️This is how acceptance can help you manage anxiety – Online Psychologists

In the field of psychology Acceptance involves assuming situations that we do not like. Accept that we can do nothing to change them and learn to accept them as they are. In this way we will strengthen our tolerance for failures, losses or disappointments in life.

When a loved one dies, we suffer a romantic disappointment or a natural disaster occurs, we must accept it. Accepting these events will help us to start the process. healing process.

This is a period of time in which we need to heal our emotions and feelings in order to maintain our emotional stability. It helps us to intuit and know where our limits are on what we can or cannot change about ourselves. existential environment.

We must not confuse acceptance with resignation.. The latter leads us to inaction when we feel that nothing can be done to resolve a certain situation. Acceptance is not compliance or approval either. It is simply the decision to admit and face each and every situation that we will encounter throughout our lives, good or bad.

In this way, we can achieve wisdom by recognizing the reality that surrounds us. We will leave behind everything that has no solution, what we cannot change, and we will focus on what we can. change and correct.

When we accept a situation too We open the way to other possibilities. That is, we look for various solutions that can help us improve the situation. In this way, we will begin to train what is known as psychological flexibilityThis allows us to choose between giving up or continuing an action that depends on our own values.

In turn, acceptance is also the way in which we learn to accept ourselvesIt helps us understand that we are what we are, with the good and the bad, but unique. And it allows us to be what we want to be, to fight to become who we want without needing the approval of our family or social environment.

If you are having trouble accepting the way you are, it may be time to seek help from an online psychologist.

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Accept the unpleasant events in life and take care of your mental health with the professional help of a psychologist.

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What is the relationship between acceptance and anxiety?

Just as accepting reality makes it easier for you to deal with life's situations, accepting reality makes it easier for you to deal with life's situations. anxiety also brings benefits.

Accepting our anxiety, our fears, phobias or concerns makes us understand that we are human beings and that we all have strengths and weaknessesIf we accept that anxiety is a natural reaction, we can manage it, control it and ensure that it does not control us.

Anxiety is a kind of defense mechanism that warns us that something is wrong. It warns us that we must pay attention to our environment. Accepting uncertainty, admitting life's adversities and tolerating anguish in moderation makes us appreciate pleasant moments more.

The relationship between acceptance and anxiety is much closer than we think. It is very common to feel anxiety when we are worried about how others will see us so that they do not reject us.

Therefore, the vaccine for that anxiety is learn to accept ourselves as we are. See ourselves as people who are just as valuable as everyone else. People who, like everyone else, make mistakes but learn from them. This way, we won't be afraid of what others will think of us.

However, we must bear in mind that Acceptance does not mean accepting the discomfort of anxiety for life.. It means taking anxiety into account, but only at specific times, assuming that it is an element that helps us face difficulties.

Acceptance of adverse emotional reactions leads to greater tolerance towards them. That is why the best coping mechanism for anxiety is to accept that we will never be completely free of it, but that we can learn to manage it.

Manage anxiety with the help of a psychologist

The therapist accompanies the patient during the process and show the necessary understanding and compassion. That is, you cannot force or compel the patient to accept more or less quickly, since each person has a rhythm or nature. If we push or press too much, we can block the patient.

In addition, the therapist will perform a therapy without any prejudice towards the patient. This will give the person with anxiety the freedom to express their fears and manage them without pressure or feeling judged.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First session free by clicking the button below.