✔️ SHOE SPELL to MASTER: Forms of Tie and Process

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Sorcery is used mostly with help purposeswhen you feel that someone is abusing you both physically and mentally, when an individual places obstacles so that you cannot improve yourself or move forward with that business that you want to invest so much time and effort in, among other situations where you feel tired of people of this type.
Since attacking or mistreating said person can lead to many legal problems (and we do not recommend it in any way) Why not use a simple spell to dominate that person, keep them away from our lives, make them like us better or even make them fall in love without them realizing or suspecting anything? We present to you the SHOE SPELL TO DOMINATE.

How to dominate a person with your shoe?

This spell also known as shoe tie In other places, it has been used for many years giving magnificent results, free of charge and without commitments, I will explain to you in detail how to carry out the shoe ritual to make it very powerful so you can dominate or make a person fall in love with you, or at least leave you alone in your affairs.

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Love spells with shoes to master

The love spells with shoes They are well known in the world of esotericism for their great probability of success, in many cases the people who have performed them have confirmed having better approaches and a feeling of power over the person that previously seemed nonexistent. Below we leave you a series of spells to dominate the person you like or to achieve more profitable approaches.

Shoe spell to dominate a loved one


  • Sheet of paper, preferably white.
  • Pencil or pen of the color you like.
  • Rosemary or thyme (either or even both at the same time works).
  • A left shoe (exclusively) of yours that you use regularly.


  • Step 1: On the previously searched sheet of white paper we are going to proceed to write the person’s name 9 times, with very legible handwriting and with your usual writing style, remember that it must be the full name (first and last name).
  • Step 2: Fold the paper in half and use the aforementioned herbs (thyme or rosemary, or both if you have it) and fold it again carefully so that the herbs do not fall out.
  • Step 3: Place the previously folded sheet of paper a couple of times inside your left shoe and you will be able to dominate that person that you like or annoy you so much. You should wait 3 days and you will start to see that his attitude towards you changes (at least little by little it shouldn’t be a sudden change).

This shoe spell to dominate has many variations, the previous incantation usually works in many cases, there are many people who confirm it, but it would be better to specify as much as possible in this type of spell to obtain maximum effects. There’s also shoe spells to dominate your loved one or shoe spells to dominate your enemy (Come on, it would be illogical even for the saint to use the same one for both cases).

Types of love spell with shoes to submit

This is another type of shoe spell, It serves to make the person fall in love with you who you cannot get out of your mind and who does not see you in the same way, be it a man or a woman. This enchantment is well known in the world of white magic, it is more likely to work according to the STRENGTH of your desire for that person.

Shoe spell to make you think of me

The PERSONAL GARMENTS are widely used in the field of witchcraft to bring us closer, dominate, possess, make him take us more into consideration, etc. In this case we will use the shoes of the person we would like to think of us, it can be a man or a woman.

The enchantment is about a spell to tie very simple and that anyone can do, you just need desire, faith and the following materials below:


  • White sheet of paper preferably.
  • Vegetable oil (more preferably olive or coconut).
  • Earth or sand, we leave the style or shape to your whim.
  • Herbs such as rosemary or bay leaf (as fresh as possible).
  • The shoes you wear regularly.


  • Step 1: The first thing you have to do is write the full name (first and last names) and you will fold the letter in half.
  • Step 2: You take the herbs and place them in the center of the leaf and fold it again (in total we would have two folds).
  • Step 3: The third step is going to be to spray it with the oil you chose, it would be advisable to use olive or coconut since they are the ones that transmit the energies best, but using the oil that you use the most is also a good idea since you would be putting more of you to magic.
  • Step 4: The last step is to wait a few days for the herbs and oil to settle, then you are going to take the packet or envelope that is left and you are going to place it inside the left shoe that you use the most and you will use it (with it envelope or packet inside) throughout the day.

The incantation of the shoe spell to dominate, means that by constantly stepping on the person’s name and thinking about them while you do it, you will be dominating said individual, as you are the owner of the shoe and you are walking on it. You are going to acquire a certain power over the person. Some final recommendations would be to perform the incantation with a lot of faith and optimism, try to think strongly about the person while you do it. The person should have known you or seen you from time to time for it to work, you cannot tie an unknown person tightly with this spell to make him think of you.

Shoe ritual to dominate the loved one


  • A square of silk fabric that is yours exclusively (that is, not used by anyone else) in the color you prefer.
  • A lock of hair from the person you love (a small amount is enough).
  • A left shoe of your lover that he or she uses regularly.


Step 1: Wrap the lock of hair in the square of fabric that belongs to you, you must fold it towards you as many times as it allows you.
Step 2: Put it in your left shoe that you wear regularly and wait. (You should hide it so that it does not use it for at least 2 days)
Step 3: If in the following nights (2 after having performed the ritual) you dream beautifully about that person, it means that the spell has worked and the next time you will be allowed a very favorable approach that you should take advantage of.

As you can see, it is a very simple and effective spell, although if you have access to his personal things you could use many more variations of the spell. shoe spell to fall in love or at least to make him think about you much more.

Shoe spell to dominate an enemy

We have all at some point had a person who greatly hinders our paths and creates problems, someone who constantly seems at odds with our goals or purposes. It is normal in life but many times they cross the line and could cause us a lot of stress or make us feel more irritable, this could greatly harm our health and ruin us little by little. Luckily we have the Shoe Spell to master very simple and easy to do so that that person stops being a hindrance in our lives.


  • A glass jar with a metal or aluminum lid.
  • A sheet of paper, preferably white.
  • A pair of shoes that you wear regularly.
  • A pencil or pen of the color you prefer.
  • Two tablespoons of saffron.
  • A tablespoon of powdered or grated ginger.
  • Benzoin flavoring to spray a couple of times.


Step 1: Open the glass jar, pour the saffron and the tablespoon of ginger inside, shake a little so that the container is filled with the aroma of the spices inside.
Step 2: Then, on the sheet you are going to write the person’s full name (first and last names) nine times, one below the other, with very legible handwriting and the type that you regularly use.
Step 3: You place the leaf inside the jar, you are going to recite the following prayer «I (mention your full name) will dominate you (name of the enemy’s full name) from today onwards.» While you mention the incantation you will think strongly about the person. You are going to leave the leaf for 3 days in the jar.
Step 4: You remove the leaf from the jar, it will no longer be useful to us. You are going to place the blade inside the left shoe that you wear regularly and put it on. Next you are going to make nine strong stomps reciting the previous prayer «I (mention your full name) will dominate you (name of the enemy’s full name) from today while you give the nine strong stomps.
Step 5: Use the shoe every day and in approximately nine days you should see the results, you must have a lot of faith.

Many people who have used this powerful and simple shoe spell to dominate your enemy They have had very good results, some final recommendations are to always use fresh materials (in the sense of materials such as saffron and ginger), perform the incantation with great faith and follow the instructions to the letter.

Witchcraft with photo on the shoe

This spell with photo on shoe It is one of the most powerful that you could use to dominate and bind a person that you like, hate or want in your life according to your intentions since it combines two enchantments, the spell with photo and the shoe spell to dominate.


  • The photo of the person you want to cast a spell must be of very good quality and the individual’s face should be clearly visible.
  • Rosemary and bay herbs.
  • One white candle, one green and one pink.
  • Cologne that you use frequently.
  • The shoes you wear regularly.


Step 1: You are going to spray the photo that you took or obtained of the person with your cologne, so that it is well impregnated.
Step 2: Place the herbs in a bowl and light the candles one by one in the following order, white, green and finally the pink one. With the candles you are going to burn the herbs a little and let the smoke reach the photo. While doing this process you are going to repeat these words: “I (your full name) completely dominate you (full name of the person) from today onwards forever.
Step 3: You leave the photo near the aromas and you will wait for the candles to burn out. When you finish you will place the photo inside your left shoe and you will wear it every day for 9 days in a row. After this time you will notice an appreciable improvement in the person’s attitudes and behaviors towards you.

It is important that you think about the person while you perform the spell, very strongly depending on the intentions you have for them, hate, love, admiration, desire… Try to make the herbs as fresh as possible and that the cologne you chose is the one you use. more regularly. When saying names you must modulate very well and say everything clearly.

Does the shoe spell work?

The Spell of…