▷ The Hanged Man in the Tarot ←Its meaning and important details

The Hanged Man shows a man suspended, upside down, from the living World Tree, with roots in the underworld and support to the heavens.

It has a great role in Tarot Cards.

Given the serene expression on his face, it is believed that he is hanging on the tree of his own will.His right foot is bound to the tree, but his left foot remains free, bent at the knee and hidden behind his right leg.

His arms are bent, with his hands held behind his back, forming an inverted triangle. The man wears red pants that represent human passion and the physical body, a blue coat for knowledge, and yellow shoes that represent his high ideals.

Around the hanging man's head is a bright yellow halo showing spiritual achievement, with the gray background suggesting invisibility (a good reminder not to flaunt your spirituality).

This is the letter of definitive surrender, of being suspended in time and of martyrdom and sacrifice for the common good. This is the archetype to meditate on to help break old patterns of behavior and bad habits that restrict you.

Hangman's number is 12 – a higher octave of the number 3, which represents careful planning and orderly growth leading to spiritual development. 1 (start) + 2 (the strength of reasoning) = 3 (the product of regeneration). The ruling planet is Neptune, the planet of self-denial and idealism.


The hanged man reflects a need to suspend action, and, as a result, a period of indecision may be indicated. Decisions or actions that must be put into practice will be postponed, even if, in the moment, there is a sense of urgency to act.

In fact, it may be much better if you can pause any decision making and take action right now in order to provide yourself with more time to reflect on the current situation and consider the greater good.

If you can buy yourself a little more time or stay away from all the extra activities for a short period, then you can really create a different and better result.

This is a card that is all about suspension and waiting, and suggests that this may be just what you need to do to allow new possibilities to arise.

Sometimes not acting will help shed more light on what other options are available to you and allow more attractive opportunities to arise.

The Hanged Man Sometimes it may reflect that you feel trapped or restricted in your life. You have to get in touch with what feels this way, and work to free yourself from these restrictions.

This way, the hanged It's also about letting go. You need an emotional release from whatever is causing you to feel trapped. Accept and surrender to your current circumstances.

You may have to be more vulnerable and open to different experiences, but this will help you end the fight and give up your need for control.

It is when you can truly let go of all the worries and concerns that you have, that you will find these worries suddenly disappear and a new reality is possible.

The inverted position of the hanged indicates the need to look at yourself from a totally different perspective, while hanging indicates that your life is simply suspended for a time so that you can recognize what needs to be changed in your personality.

The tree is also abundant, with leaves and stems, suggesting the possibility that the situation will bear fruit. So, the hanged It represents a reversal of your usual way of life and seeing the world from a completely different angle.

Try hanging yourself upside down and look around. Doesn't everything seem so different?! Your perspective has completely changed, however, the physical surroundings are exactly the same as when you were looking from a vertical position.

The Hanged Man asks you to activate your world around you and see your situation differently. By doing this, you will find something new that will prove to be of greater value to you on a much deeper level. It may be that you have to sacrifice your previous beliefs or even way of life, but it is a time of renewal and your life will move forward.

The hanged man He is a willing victim, someone who has chosen the path of sacrifice to achieve a higher goal. The Hanged Man It represents the willingness to give up the temptations of instant gratification for a higher cause, and because of this voluntary sacrifice you achieve the goals you have in your heart.

He is like the ultimate martyr, putting his own interest aside and giving up his personal needs for the greater good. Consider areas in your own life where you need to act more selflessly, whether for the benefit of others or for the fulfillment of your own deepest needs.

On the other hand, you may need to evaluate your life for areas where you are giving too much to others at the expense of your own mental and spiritual well-being. Sometimes martyrdom can go too far!

In the same way, the hanged It tells you that you must be willing to lose something smaller in order to accomplish a larger goal. This goal is likely to be spiritual and personal.

An investment of time, energy, and/or money may have to be made in order to achieve this high level of achievement. You are dedicated to the cause and are open and ready to take on the task before you, but first you need time to pause and consider.


The hanged man Reversed represents a period when you feel that you are sacrificing a lot and getting nothing in return. You may have felt things were at an absolute stalemate, without any movement or resolution.

It is as if you are suspended in time and cannot make a move forward, backward or even sideways to get out of your current situation. Your own goals and dreams are put on hold due to external realities or internal problems.

This is an energy that is passing out of your life and now you can expect things to begin to happen once again and important changes to occur. This period of suspension is like a catalyst for what is to come.

You may be put off making a decision, hoping that it will all sort itself out eventually.

However, this is often just an illusion. What is happening is that you are simply stalling the inevitable and you will at some point be pushed to make a final decision and make a sacrifice in the process.

In a reading that a relationship has been put on hold, the hanging man reverse suggests that you are willing to wait, to a point. You realize that this relationship will evolve over time and that, due to its complexity, it cannot be rushed. However, you also don't want to be «on hold» forever and you recognize that there will come a time when you have to make a decision about your current relationship.

The hanged man reversed suggests a loss of faith in your ability to overcome life's obstacles. You may refuse to go inside for spiritual food.

It is very important at this time to look within through meditation and restore your faith in your ability to overcome life's challenges. Know that this difficult time will soon pass. Accept your circumstances and be at peace with yourself.

Alternatively, you may be concerned about yourself and willing to make a necessary sacrifice or compromise for the greater good. You may be acting selfishly or even arrogantly and this will significantly unblock others who are trying to work cooperatively with you.