▷【Meaning of MELTED CANDLES】

The world of candles It’s not just about the obvious, which is lighting a candle and just leaving it there while it slowly melts, but candles can be used to ask them about the doubts we have.

And that is where we are going to help you, in understanding the meaning of candles when consumed and of course knowing how to interpret the wax that may have remained once the wick has melted and extinguished.

♥ TIP: This book contains all the information you need to learn to interpret the meaning of melted candles 👇

If we refer to the world of candles It is not that we are pretentious but that we are aware that something apparently so simple has a lot to say with each of its parts that make it up and that we are going to tell you now.

Can you come with us?

The meaning of candles when they burn

Before starting to ask a candle we have to find a quiet room, where no one is going to interrupt us and of course without any type of air currents that can alter the answers that the candle is going to give us to our questions.

Obviously we are not going to have a conversation with the candle, so think carefully about your questions, if necessary even write them down before starting the session, because they must initially be answered with the monosyllables «yes» and «no».

oh! Do not speak directly to the flame because logically the air you exhale while you speak, well and the breath itself, can also alter the responses of the candle. So be careful when you speak and when you breathe.

In any case, as we are going to explain below in the meaning of candles when they melt We must take into account other details of when and where the wax falls with which we will obtain other types of messages.

Meaning of the wax melting and falling

We are already located in the room, calm and with the expectation that no one is going to bother us, so we will proceed to light the candle with a wooden match.

From now on we will have to pay close attention to:

  • how does it fall the wax
  • From where and where is it going
  • the amount of wax that falls at once
  • the tour what does the drop of wax do for the candle
  • the forms Let it take the wax as it cools.

Let’s also see the flame has to do with and influences the interpretation of the meaning of the candle when it burns, but you will find that information in another post dedicated exclusively to the meaning of the candle flame and its wick.

That little parenthesis and clarification we begin to explain each of the possible reactions of the candle to your questions and therefore will be your answers.

We start:

  • will answer us YES when only a single drop falls through it right side of the candle
  • will answer us NO when a single drop of wax falls down the left side of the candle
  • if it falls a lot of wax At the same time, what is usually called «the candle cries», means that our desire will have difficulties to be fulfilled and come to an end.
  • If the drop of wax change direction suddenly means it’s complicated answer with a simple YES or NO.

Here you have two options, either you rephrase the question or you simply go on to the next one, with which you may have some doubts.

  • if they fall several drops at the same time from different places of the candle but that finally end up joining means that they will appear problems or situations, surely stressful, that we will have to solve at the same time
You have to watch here if the final drop falls on the right side of the candle, this means that we will have help to solve those problems.

But if it falls on the left side we will be alone solving them all.

  • Yes one drop splits as it falls through the candle, we have to rejoice because it means that times of peace and tranquility.
  • Something that is also very positive is that a drop falls, that it separate into several turn and stop in the center of the candle, this means that the problem or problems we had are coming to an end.
  • If several drops fall at the same time you have to also pay attention to the speed with which they fall, because depending on the rhythm they have, it has a different meaning:
    • If they fall quickly, it is that our problems will persist over time
    • If they fall slowly our problems will be solved soon.

By the way, here you have to know that the slower the drop of wax falls, the faster our problems will be solved and vice versa.

  • Yes falls very fast a single drop this means that someone will come with very good news.
  • Also note if the drops fall with dark spots or shadows, this is known as a “dirty drop” and means that there will be problems; which will disappear as soon as you are stains also disappear from the drops.

Meaning of the candles when they burn fast

We have told you what the candles mean when they are consumed, but What does it mean when the candles burn out fast?because the speed or slowness in which a candle is consumed also has a meaning and in this case it is very positive.

The fact that a candle burns out quickly is good and positive, although like everything in this life it has its exceptions and its butswhich in this case are the following:

  • If we are in a ritual making a wish, the fact that the candle burns quickly can indicate that the aspirations we have will not last long or that to achieve them we will find impediments and setbacks.
  • It could be the case that there was too much energy around.
  • And it would even be pointing out that we would have a health problem, an infection, poor circulation…

Obviously we would clear up doubts regarding these possible inconveniences and we would proceed to remedy them by recapitulating the answers obtained while the candle was burning and finishing reading the candle with the remains that have remained, something that we are going to explain to you next.

Meaning of candle wax when consumed

We only have one last reading left to do, which is that of the shapes left by the candle once it has burned; and to find out the meaning of the shape of the candles when they melt we have to wait for it to cool completely and take the final shape.

Obviously this reading will be impossible to do if there is very little wax left and let’s not say yes no nothing left. But any of these options it is very positive because both mean that you are on the right track to achieve success in your aspirations.

Without further ado, take note of the possible forms that the melted candle and its meaning:

square shapeproblems will be solved, with the help of other people and in the long termRectangular shapeYou will be successful in everything that has to do with work, the economy and health.Circular shapeDon’t do anything because it will go wrong. It means that there will be problems, you will not have help… Better leave it for another timemoon shapeIt means that you will have health problemsfan shapea surprise awaits youbee shapeYou will be lucky in games of chance; although it also means a possible change and/or improvement at work

The answer will depend on the topic you have been asking about.

needle shapeYou will have a fight or problems with someonering shapeIt means that you will receive an economic benefit. If you asked for the family, it can be a wedding or the union of the family.spider shapeIt means that difficult times are comingtree shapeGood times are coming.ship shapeIt means that you are going to inherit something from someone, who has not necessarily had to die, but who may teach you his gift, offer you his peace and harmony…cane shapeYou will get help from someonemouth shapeIt means that someone close to us is lying to us, whether at work, a friend, a relative… be careful what we are believingstar shapeIt means happiness. But beware! if it has five points there is black magic.flower shapeimprovement in health

Video about the meaning of candles when consumed

And so far the meaning of the candles when they are consumed… now you just need to put it into practice and find out those curiosities that haunt you in the leader.

Do you want more? Do not miss our websites of meanings!

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